Andy Gatward

Lead Architect - BBC

Networking Europe's largest radio station

30 min talk 🌶️ Intermediate ⌨️ Tech + Software

When the BBC decided to close one of the buildings which served as the base for Radio 2 and Radio 6 Music, it presented a rare opportunity to design and build a suite of multi-purpose radio studios from scratch using modern IP-based media flows.

This talk gives a brief insight into the networking and connectivity used for the new studios, and of course a behind-the-scenes look at a modern radio studio.

Key Takeaways

  • A high-level view of the technology used behind the scenes at BBC Radio 2
  • An insight into broadcast technology and modern audio production
  • Knowledge of the unique connectivity requirements to support live broadcast media

Andy is a Network, Security and Infrastructure professional with over 25 years deep technical experience.

Currently working with the BBC, Andy is one of the lead architects responsible for the evolution of the network and connectivity to support modern media supply chain workflows.

Prior to joining the BBC, Andy worked in senior technical roles in the service provider, aviation, and higher education sectors.

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