Lili Eva Bartha


New approaches to the digital asset production pipeline for games, virtual production and spatial computing


The industry standard production pipeline for optimised digital clothing is complex and expensive. The demand for these assets is rapidly growing, fueled by the rise of brand activations in games and MMOGs (e.g. Roblox) as well as by the increasing focus on immersive e-commerce solutions such as AR filters for virtual try-on.

This keynote investigates recent trends and advancements in 3D modelling such as the rise of 3D asset generation with Generative AI and specialist, beginner-friendly design software solutions that enable more and more creators worldwide to enter the 3D content creation landscape, revolutionising how digital clothing production pipelines function across the gaming, virtual production and spatial computing industries.


Lili Eva Bartha is a seasoned Product Lead, XR and digital fashion specialist, and the founder and CEO of GENERA LABS, a multi-award winning software startup, developing cloud-based solutions for accessible and easy-to-use digital clothing design

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