Speaking at TechExeter 2024

Some key points about speaking at our annual conference!

Deadline for submissions is midnight on Tuesday August 27th 2024 EXTENDED: midnight on Tuesday Sept 3rd 2024

Am I techy enough? / I haven’t done this before …

Short answer: You are techy enough, and you can do this!

Long answer:

If you have a passion about a topic, whatever experience level, then we want to hear from you.
If you haven’t done this before then we can help. We can review your slides, help with individual presentation styles and formats, and make sure you are fully prepared.

Get paid? What?!

That’s right – we value our speakers time and will pay for you to speak at this event!

Everyone receives the same flat fee (the exact amount will be determined based on ticket sales and sponsorship monies raised) – you can spend this on travel / accomodation / whatever you want!

Deadline for submissions is midnight on Tuesday August 27th 2024
Apply at https://form.typeform.com/to/ma5eHpCb
Nichola Whiting speaks at Tech Exeter 2019