Event Sponsorship

Event sponsor

Okta Logo

The University of Exeter Business School believes in leadership for a better world.

This ethos infuses everything we do, as we teach our students how to use sustainable and responsible business principles to become successful leaders.

Track sponsor

Okta Logo

Secure access for everyone.
But not just anyone.

Auth0 is an easy to implement, adaptable authentication and authorization platform. Basically, we make your login box awesome.


Okta Logo

One of the most popular gaming websites

Since 2001 we have made it our mission to provide a platform for people around the world to share their mods and tools freely with other gamers in a positive and inclusive community.

Special thanks to

Pydata Logo

PyData Exeter is a meetup group for those working with or interested in working with data in Python.

PyData Exeter is part of the global PyData network that is an educational program of NumFOCUS, a nonprofit charity promoting open practices in research, data, and scientific computing.

Pydata Logo

Tech4Good South West is a community network focused on fostering technology innovation to address social challenges, while ensuring everyone has the skills and opportunities to thrive in a digital world.